Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Please Welcome....THE PUPPETS!!!

So - I wanted to include some pictures of the puppets that we use in the show. For those of you who don't know how the show is done and find yourselves surprised (or slightly freaked out) at the mention of puppets, just know that the show has a combo of real people and puppets to tell the story. All the KIDS (Veruca, Violet, Mike, Augustus and Charlie) are real people - and Willy Wonka is a real person. OH - and Charlie's parents are real people. Everyone else is a puppet.
WELL.....there is one other stand out LIVE character, as well, that is only on for a brief second. His name is JAMES - and he loves suckers. He's just a town boy who meets Charlie on the street and talks about candy with him for a moment. It's a gripping scene - and has a real depth to it. But that's the last we see of James. And COINCIDENTALLY, I also play James.

Anyway - ENOUGH! The puppets consist of the following:
-Grandparents (from the waist up - all in one bed...4 Grandparents)
-Spoiled Kids Parents (for the 4 Golden Ticket Winners)
-Oompa Loompas (they are stool-puppets. our legs become their legs and we run the upper bodies. They are a REAL work out...but I actually really enjoy them!)
-Squirrels (in the nut room...DEFINITELY never thought I'd be running a squirrel puppet. I'm such a versatile artisan. HA!)

Like I said on my first entry, the puppets are fun but VERY difficult. Some of them may look a little creepy - and even in person - until you get working with them and see them take on characters of their own. It's actually pretty amazing. It's also actually pretty frustrating - because you have to remember to not hyper-extend their elbows - or make sure they are making eye contact when they are talking - or that you're not just flailing their arms out of control when they are talking - or make sure the PUPPETS head is moving and not the actors (GUILTY! I'm a definite head-mover...sorry Graham!) Anyway - there is a lot to take into consideration when you are puppeteering...but they have been very fun thus far! And I've even gotten some artistic liscence to make the Squirrels KOREAN SPEAKING. Hopefully, we're not performing in Koreatown in Sioux Falls or Fayetteville...because they will hear some Korean cussing, if they listen close!

Enjoy the pictures...and feel free to comment or reply as you follow along on our little journey!
OH! And everyone say GOOD BYE to Ingrid, our AWESOME choreographer! Today was her last day with us...and it was sad. But we PROMISE to get everything down just right for her!
Thanks for everything Ingrid!

Until next time....

picture key: TOP - Grandparents (Gillian and Tara in back); BOTTOM: Squirrel (w/Tara); Spoiled Kids Parents (with Eric); More Squirrels (l-r: Chris, Jen, Gillian and Tara); Oompa Loompa's (Jackie and Ingrid)


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