Sunday, October 02, 2005

Good Night TULSA!

So today we did our last 2 shows in Tulsa...and as I much as I would like to report a funny story or event...they were pretty uneventful shows. There were no Near-Drops with the Tara-Throw. No Oompa's face-planted on stage. The audiences were well behaved and very responsive to the show. Both shows were sold out. It was a good day of shows.
Yesterday, Friday, we had 3 shows...and all 3 of them were pretty textbook, as well. I actually really appreciate the seemingly BORING shows like this, because there are those days when it seems like EVERYTHING is going wrong. So it's nice to have a reference to the days when things went really RIGHT!
I do have to tell you about this CRAZY storm that we had last night. Evidently, they are pretty regular here in Oklahoma...but for me, it was very exciting and very fun to watch! It was probalby the longest continuous storm that I have ever seen - it started before we came out of the theater last night (maybe 7:30pm or so) and was still raining, thundering and lightening this morning when we went to the theater and during our first show! But the lightening was SPECTACULAR, for lack of a better word! And there was some SERIOUS thunder that rumbled through the entire night. It was pretty cool.
The rest of the day today, once we got back, everyone did their own thing. I fell asleep - while watching some college football...and ended up sleeping for like 3 hours. I'm going to be honest - i'm ok with a nap that long. It made me feel good. And when I woke up, it was time to go down to the BBQ that Torg, Todd, Chris and Emily were doing. They did the same thing yesterday - they put down the back of the Ryder truck in the parking lot - and they have a little BBQ that travels with them. And they set up a full-fledged BBQ that everyone came out to. I felt like I was tailgating...but I couldn't figure out for what.
Tonight, I met up with my Boise-friend, Holly, again...and we went to eat at a little Italian restaurant on Cherry Street - one of the "IT" districts of Tulsa. It was great - and I had some great CHEESECAKE! And as always, you can see it below! Then we drove around to see more of the city - and look at some of the cool architecture around Tulsa. There are some AMAZING homes here...nothing a little Oil Money couldn't buy. It was good to hang out with Holly - and then I came back to the hotel to pack and get ready to head to Arkansas tomorrow! Oh - and we watched SUPERSIZE ME tonight. Um...still processing. But it was...WOW. If you haven't seen it....DO IT!
Until we meet in have a good one.

Here is a picture of the theater in Tulsa - sorry it's dark - and a picture of the marquee out front of the Performing Arts Center.

This could VERY WELL be my best black-and-white work EVER! This sculpture is out front of the Tulsa Performing Arts Center. I love how this picture turned out. Just as an interesting tidbit of info - the building in the background - the tall one - was designed by the same man who designed the World Trade Center - and this building in Tulsa bears a striking resemblance to the Twin Towers. So there you go....

I'm GUESSING that if we played a game of 'What Is The Most Random Thing In Your Parking Lot' right now, I might be a top finisher with this entry. Aren't those a little large for lawn ornaments? I walked out of the hotel this morning, a little groggy, and had to do a quick double-take.

Torg fries up some burgers for the troops...AND the troops seem to be enjoying them!

Chris relaxes in the very back of the van on the way home from the theater...speaking like a Gremlin the WHOLE way.

Hey eveyrone - it's HOLLY SCOTT! She's doing well here in Tulsa - and is an EXCELLENT tour guide for anyone who comes to visit!

So - this dessert entry called for a DOUBLE PICTURE! We went to an Italian Restaurant called Tucci's - and it was DELISH! The strawberry cheesecake, on the left, was mine and I would give it a low (yet solid) 8 on the MASE! And the Key Lime Pie that Holly ordered (on the right) was a STRONG, HIGH 7. A very tasty dessert experience!

And finally - for something completely weird. New York had their Cow Parade - Washington DC had their Elephant/Donkey Political Party statues and then their Panda statues (for the new Panda's at the National Zoo) - and now, Tulsa has their...PENGUINS? Well, it's true.
Not sure why - but here are a couple for your viewing pleasure! THANKS HOLLY!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Wonkas -
I had a great time hanging out with all of you in the old T-Town. I will never forget that magical bull riding experience and and all of the new additions to my internal song log. Please take care of yourselves and Miss Vercua has my contact info to use if you ever make it back to my wonderful city.
Keep up the good work and stay silly!

Sun Oct 02, 07:25:00 PM EDT  

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