So - the reception. Please use the following key to decipher my previous entry:
Governor of Iowa = Mayor of Des Moines
Chocolate Fountain = Just your average pieces of chocolate
It was an interesting night...we met some nice people, ate some good food, watched Elisa spill red wine all down the front of her shirt, almost had to do some improv (quick...someone...give me a situation. I took some acting classes.....), and then we all came back here and chilled. We were all very appreciative of the effort and it's always fun for us to get dressed up and hang out together. We find each other entertaining, which is good. Oh - the Mayor also signed some proclomation about Willy Wonka. Not QUITE sure what it means - but you can enlarge it below and read it, if you want.
All of us with the Mayor - as Elisa shows off the proclomation thingy. To the right, the thingy.
Today - SATURDAY - we finally did a show in Des Moines...and I'm not going to expand TOO much. Just know that the WHOLE talk about there not being any people in Des Moines kind of carried over to the show today. We had a total audience count of 30. That is 2 1/2 dozen people. THIRTY. The house seats 1200. So somewhere between the booking and the actual show, there was an evident lack of advertising and marketing of the show. Tammy McCandless attended with her niece, nephew and sister and they seemed to enjoy it - but they were as baffled by the lack of people as we were. On the PLUS side of it all, we all felt like it was a pretty good show - despite some crazy wing space, some rough Oompa-entrances (good recovery, Jackie!), and a really funny small dressing room.
We have one more show tomorrow - and then it's off to Cedar Falls. I don't think of myself as a prophet, but I've got a feeling that some crazy stories await us there.
Tune in soon to find out.
Both OUTSIDE our Des Moines Venue (The Hoyt Sherman Place) and one INSIDE the same venue.
This picture tickles me so. We were all taking pictures of the venue. It really is beautiful.
On our tour of Hoyt Sherman Place. On the L: Da Boyz. On the R: Da Girlz. (Minus Tara)
L: The cast checks out the show board in the lobby. R: Still on the tour of H.S.P., Eric ponders the art in one of the rooms.
The reception spread...and us just hanging at the other people are in these pictures. Weird.
Chris samples all the chocolates for us. And then he took all the beer.
The Little Dressing Room that could. We equated it to a room in a mental institution...hence the 'poses.'
L: My friend, Tammy McCandless, came to the show. Eric and I meet her after the show. R: Chris signs autographs for young fans. And as always, Eric looks on longingly.
Ha ha ha, your psyche post was classic. Sounds like Des Moines was fun! Have a great time in Cedar Rapids, can't wait to hear all about the future antics.
Ha ha ha, your psyche post was classic. Sounds like Des Moines was fun! Have a great time in Cedar Rapids, can't wait to hear all about the future antics.
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