Tuesday, November 08, 2005

The Land Of Lincoln

Today was an AWESOME day to be on tour - and it reminded me AGAIN of just how unique and unbelieveable this experience is! It has been cool to see how it goes far beyond the shows - as we get to experience different parts of the country and see things that I normally wouldn't get to see. A perfect example of this is our time here in Springfield.
After our early show today, we all headed back to the hotel and had about 6 hours of free time before we had to head back to the theater. Eric and I ran and got a bite to eat and then headed in to our day....which I like to call 'A Day With Abe, Matt And Eric.' The bulk of our day was spent in the Lincoln Presidential Library And Museum. (But be forewarned - the Library is exactly that...so don't expect to spend MUCH time there. It's more of a research facility, of sorts. There were some pictures we looked at...but save your time and head across the street.)
The Museum is a hard experience to explain. It is a very visual museum - with a number of wax-like-statues of Lincoln and his family in different scenes and points in his life. There is also a large collection of papers, home items, pictures, maps, the works scattered throughout. The museum is divided into 2 parts: the first is the early years of his life - clear up to the election for President; the second is his time in the White House and his death. I wish, WISH cameras were allowed in the exhibits - but sadly they are not. But you can see a lot of what the museum is by going to the LINCOLN PRESIDENTIAL MUSEUM website. (To make it easy, you can just click on the underlined words you just read....) It's a great site - and you can see many pictures of the inside of the museum. It is a lot to look at, but if you want to see the highlights, take a look at Journey 1, Journey 2, and SBC Ghosts Of The Library. (That last one was a theatrical presentation Eric and I watched and IT....WAS....AWESOME. But I can't explain it - just read about it.)
I have always appreciated Lincoln, and always been fascinated by his history and what he did for our country, but seeing HIS town today, and learning more about his life and his struggles made me realize how HUMAN he was. It made me appreciate the power of persisting - and of standing up for what you know is right even when those around you insist you are wrong. But most of all, it made me REMEMBER what an amazing country this is we live in...with a rich history full of leaders who gave everything they had - sometimes even their lives - to ensure that our freedoms were and are always available to each of us. Oh - and it also reminded that I cry at pretty much anything. ALTHOUGH, in my defense, the 'Lying In State' room in Journey 2 is VERY moving.
The rest of the day we walked around and saw other things: Lincoln's Law Office, the Lincoln House (where he lived when he was here in Springfield), and the church his family attended (although we couldn't get in and see the Lincoln Pew.) And we ate delicious burritos at El Presidente Burritos.
Tomorrow we are heading out to see the Lincoln's grave site...and hopefully to a mall. I have needs.
Please enjoy the pictures from our crazy day - as we submersed ourselves in the Land of Lincoln...while our co-horts in crime slept the day away back at the hotel!

L: Our journey begins with Eric coming across a young Abe, and listening to his thoughts on running for public office. Eric IS a good listener. R: Here I am, inviting you into the Lincoln's humble log cabin in rural Indiana...or Kentucky...or somewhere....

Of course, being the KIND people that they were, The Lincoln's invited both Eric and I to stand with their family for a picture. For some reason, I felt like such an outsider....I was under-dressed and didn't feel comfortable. And young Tad kept kicking me.

L: Luckily Eric has a keen eye and spotted John Wilkes Boothe LURCHING around the portico of the White House...and...um...pointed at him. R: I sidled up beside him and started asking him, on the D.L. as one actor to another, if he had ever thought of making a name for himself at Ford's Theatre. It's a lovely space. Evidently, he took my suggestion the wrong way.

L: Eric stands on the portico of the White House, waiting for the guests to arrive. R: And here I am again, inviting everyone into the White House. (Mary Todd waits in the background in her finest gown....big party tonight, evidently!)

POST Museum Tour...Eric turns the crank to get his souvenir pressed penny of the day at the Presidential Museum.

L: Eric on one side of the street, showing off the MUSEUM portion of the complex. (Click on the picture to make it large and try and find Eric's new PRESSED PENNY hiding SOMEWHERE in the picture.) R: And I show off the LIBRARY portion of the complex. (Please don't try to find my pressed penny...it's in my shirt pocket.)

The Lincoln's outside Abe's law offices in Springfield. Tad is waving at SOMEONE....but WHO? Why ERIC, of course! High fives for Tad!

L: The Lincoln House. R: Eric and I outside the Lincoln House in our snazzy new Stovepipe Hats! (And yes - the picture is crooked. Deal.)

Just a couple of pictures from the street where Lincoln lived. Fall is ALMOST gone - but I got a few of the left over colors. And in the second picture, you can see the LINCOLN HOUSE, again. Thrilling.

Another 'Crazy Matt's Art Shot'! The Lincoln House, complete with lamp post, in a sepia tone.

LOOK! Eric found...um...the STRANGEST statue of Lincoln ever. At the Abraham Lincoln Public Library, downtown Springfield.

So this picture is from the end of our tourist-day. We ended at the First Presbyterian Church, because it is said to have the Lincoln Pew - the Pew where the Lincoln family sat each week. Well, it was closed when we got there, so I sat outside to get a picture in my hat and the sign in the background. As we sat there taking the picture, a homeless man started crossing the street towards us - talking rather loudly. He got up to us as we snapped the picture, and immediately we could tell that he was BEYOND DRUNK! He slurringly said, "OK - I'm homeless. I'm not going to deny it. Do you have 75 cents you could spare me?" We both said we were sorry that we didn't and started to walk away. Angry, and seeing a way to get EVEN with us, we heard the man shout behind us, "That hat doesn't look good on you ANWAY!"


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Bro,

So I was a bit concerned at the man starring at both of you from behind the Lincoln family, but much relieved to find out it was none other than a wax John Wilkes Booth! Hard to tell who is real and who is fake in there, but I am assuming the guy that looks like Augustus Gloop is not wax after all! Cool pictures. Later.


Wed Nov 09, 02:14:00 AM EST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a great tour of the Land of Lincoln! I also appreciate Lincoln and what he stands for. This is an amazing country and I often wonder what it would be like today without the great Americans that came before us. Hope you have a great day.
Mom Sizemore

PS. I thought the hat looked stunning........very presidential!

Wed Nov 09, 08:05:00 AM EST  

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