Thursday, November 10, 2005

A Little More Lincoln

OK today we had our last 2 shows in Springfield, and the audiences were like POLAR opposites. The first group of kids were VERY giggly - they laughed at everything, clapped when Charlie found the Golden Ticket, and really got into it. The second group was like, "eh. i've seen better." (And no, for those who will ask...none of them actually SAID that...but it was the VIBE I was getting. The VIBE!)
The second show was also kind of kooky-weird ON stage as well. The list of crazies that happened, but definitely not a complete list, includes: Jackie starting the show with no lab coat, the large rip in the button-hole line of my shirt, Tara face-planting back-stage while running to get on stage, Chris throwing Tara to the rafters (again, not literally) and my BARELY catching her, the Nut Bin getting stuck on the curtains while I was rolling it off and me ending up giving Tara a spinning-tea-cup type ride off was just an OFF show. But we survived...and got the show packed up and ready to take North to Green Bay and the REST of Wisconsin!
After our show today, a group of people decided to head to the Museum that Eric and I saw yesterday, so we took the van and headed up to Lincoln's Tomb. It was a beautiful fall day - and there was NO ONE there. Luckily, the information guide on duty, Eleanor Thrasher, was there and was a sheer delight. We walked around and saw the Lincoln Family (Except for Robert...who is buried in Arlington National Cemetary). When we asked Eleanor WHY he wasn't buried there, we expected a brief answer, and ended up getting 'Eleanor's Thoughts On Robert Lincoln'. She was GREAT! And she had the book she was reading in her hand - a history on Abraham Lincoln. A HUGE thanks to Eleanor for being so PASSIONATE about the history that surrounds her here in Springfield.
The rest of the day was resting, eating and getting ready to head to Green Bay on Friday. Tomorrow we are off all day - and I'm just warning you faithful readers now that there MIGHT not be a blog entry to read on Friday. Apologies - and get over it.
Have a great night!

Here it is. The final resting place of Mr. Lincoln. I love the sign up above it that says, 'Now He Belongs To The Ages.'

A few different views of the outside of the tomb. I found the tomb and grounds to be very peaceful.

A full view - and then an ARTISTIC view of the Lincoln Tomb.

Ac cool slab with an inscription and then the translation...for those who can't read it.

OH COME ON! You didn't think we go could ONE blog entry without a FUN picture, did you?


Blogger Sharon said...

Ok, so it has taken me forEVer to get caught up (you are rather polific), but I know there MUST be more "Unfortunates" out there for you to share. They're a RIOT! Gimme more...pleeze? Sharon G.

Sat Nov 12, 02:47:00 PM EST  
Blogger Sharon said...

And just what is "polific"? Hmmmm....maybe we should query the field for possible definitions? With this bunch, we're liable to get some interesting suggestions. =)

Sat Nov 12, 02:50:00 PM EST  
Blogger MAnderson said...

Hey Sharon! I have SEEN more unfortunates, but my quick-draw with the camera isn't what it should be! I saw a couple in the Chicago Airport the other day- but my camera was in my carry on and I couldn't get to it in time. I will try to be better....
And I am not sure what polific could mean...but I like the sound of it.

Sun Nov 13, 10:20:00 AM EST  

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