Tuesday, August 15, 2006

1st Day Back

So, first of all, let me just say WELCOME BACK...to a new year of Wonka, to the blog, to your one-stop-shopping-center for all the info on the happs dealing with those crazy Wonka kids. We're here and we're settling in for another 10 months of fun....

That being said, I've been trying to decide how best to report this FIRST DAY BACK. And finally, at 1am, I think I've found a way to best describe how things went down today. But it's going to take your willingness to go with me on a journey...

Imagine with me, if you will, that you're back in school (elementary...middle...high school...you choose....) and you're summer just came to a screeching halt. Today was YOUR first day back in the halls and in the classrooms and around the school that you know. You've been here before...you started new at the school last year...but quickly adjusted...made some great friends...and had a ton of totally righteous 'school experiences.' So you're excited to get back to school.

But as soon as you're back....you realize that something has changed. You can't really put your finger on it...but there is just something of a bizzaro-world feeling going on. The halls are the same - the lockers are the same - the desks are the same - EVERYTHING looks and smells and feels the same...but your large expanse of friends are gone. One or two stuck around...but unbeknownst to you over the summer, everyone else packed up and headed to the new school on the other side of tour. (or in NYC or in Orlando or where ever...location is not key to this 'story'....) And you suddenly feel a little bit foreign....in a place you already know.

Does it mean that you can't make new friends? Heck no it doesn't. (The words of the wildly popular star of Barbie Live in Fairytopia, the sagelike TOPAZ, comes to mind: "Just think of all the love you'll share....with the friends you haven't met." Or something shmaltzy like that.)
Does it mean it's going to be a bad school year? Not at all. Does it mean you won't get your head pushed into the toilet during classes and you won't get an awesome swirly? Keep dreaming fat boy. It doesn't mean anything bad or terrible or unfortunate has taken over your school or is going to happen to you this year. It's just means things are....different....

oh yeah....and it means your first day of school is going to be really WEIRD......or atleast MINE was.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congrats on the first day of school Matt, I hope you remembered your Muppets lunchbox. Hope rehearsals are going well and can't wait to hear more about it.

Tue Aug 15, 09:29:00 AM EDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

miss you, matty! wish i were there for the first day back.

my school is a lot bigger than my old one and my locker came with a hefty broker's fee. i start class again on Monday.

love and hugs!

Tue Aug 15, 09:51:00 AM EDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


I am still on my summer vacation, I am in one of those special schools (no smart comments) and I dont start til October. I would love to walk through the old halls again, but I hear there are some cool new kids....oh and by the way looks like you gonna be the fulltime van packer...have fun with that my friend...

miss you guys,

Tue Aug 15, 05:33:00 PM EDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love you! The first day back makes me nervous...then again, I went to school in the late 80's/early 90's so my hair was HUGE and barely fit through the door...that is a cause for concern...Fall off of an Oompa for me!

Tue Aug 15, 07:06:00 PM EDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok...this has nothing to do with anything but I just left your Blog and then Googled you (it's my day off, leave me alone!) and the second entry that came up said "Matthew Anderson, Spiritual Weightloss Counceling" so if that's you, I need some spiritual "stop being a fatty, Jill" advice...or I suppose I could stop eating the mint lentils...so good...I think I'll go eat some more...or maybe some Outback...yum...cheesefries are good...oh...sorry...I mean, Welcome Back to Wonka!!

Tue Aug 15, 07:18:00 PM EDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Matt...this is what I love about your blog, this is just right. Well said!! You are honest, not biting, looking for the good. Hold on for another adventure and know that we will all be "stopping in" to take a peek. Enjoy, smell the roses, and keep us up to date.
You will love it and so will we.

Tue Aug 15, 09:56:00 PM EDT  

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