Sunday, November 13, 2005

A Detour Before Green Bay

So this is the course the rest of the cast drove from Springfield. I was flying the friendly skies. my last entry, written in Springfield, I was a bit coy in saying that you might not read anything from me because I was going to take a couple days off of writing. That was true - and now, that a few days have passed, I can expand! (I know you are all RELIEVED to have the full story.) Thursday morning, bright and early, I woke up (about 4am), caught a taxi to the Springfield Airport (BUSTLING!) and caught a plane to WASHINGTON DC! My cast knew I was leaving, and a few friends in DC knew I was coming, but the reason for the SURPRISE TRIP was to see my friends who were in a production of COMPANY at Foundry Theatre in DC.
The trip was a great break! I ended up getting to catch up with a bunch of friends (old-job friends, church friends, and theatre-world friends) and just relax and hang out. Although I would like to report that my picture-documenting of the trip was flawless, it would turn out to be a lie if I did. But for those pictures that I DID take, I will include them! And up front, a HUGE thank you to everyone that took the time to meet up with me or to those who let me crash their days or their homes or their lives!
After the early start, a lay-over in Chicago and a train ride from Baltimore to DC, I met up with the Rosmans and had lunch! Emma and Hannah and Elisa met me at Union Station and then we headed to Cosi for lunch. And as always, Emma and Hannah were NON-STOP entertainment! And they even showed me the POSTCARD WALL they are making of the postcards I am sending them from around the country.

Here are the Rosman Girls! Emma and Hannah, cheesing it up for the camera! It was tough to get them away fromthat bread at Cosi. They are feal fans!

After the Rosmans, my AWESOME friend, Stephanie Felsted (no picture...extreme sadness) picked me up and we ran up to my house to get my winter coat, did some shopping, and then met up with Rachel Oliphant, Bryan Banker, Rachel's sister, Elizabeth and then we ran into Lacey Young and her fiancee, Chris - and our friend Anais Haas! It was a great dinner - went to a favorite of mine, Rio Grande Cafe - and had a great time catching up. Again, no pictures here. I am a FAILURE!
Once we were done, Stephanie ran me into the city to Steve and Allison Block's house on Capitol Hill! They were nice enough to allow me to crash at their place for the 2 days - and even after all that, I STILL didn't get any pictures with them! But if it's any consolation, I have the memories in my heart. HAHAHAHAHA. Anyway - spent some time catching up with the Block's before crashing for the night.
My day started meeting up with an old co-worker, Monica Abangan - who is a friend AND a notary public - and I needed her notary skills! We met at Starbucks in Old Town and talked and notarized and caught up. Always a good time with Monica.

I am a frightening person. Sorry to all. Monica looks cute, though!

Lunch was aweome with some more WSB pals - Darci Nelson, Shanna Doak and Christine Shainin! Sorry Maggie Molpus couldn't join us (Thanks for the card, Maggie! Hope you're feeling better!) But was SO happy to have Darci's mom in town and join us for lunch at BUGSY'S - one of my favorite joints in Old Town - can't beat their Pizza/Salad Buffet!

Shanna, Christine, Darci, Me and Darci's Mom in Old Town after lunch. And then, Shanna made us stop this guy and his dog so they could get a picture with him. Honestly...who DOES that!?!?!?!? PLUS - did we evidently all decide to wear a shade of greenwhen we got together. WEIRD. OH YEAH! And after lunch, Shanna and Christine gave me a ride back up to the area around their office, and I was in the back seat and I found a pair of black panties of Shanna's and I threw them at her. Christine wanted to make sure that made the blog.

After lunch, I made a quick stop in the Crate and Barrell Outlet, right by my old job, and got to spend a few minutes catching up with Darlene Ash! (No picture - but thanks for coming over when Christine called, Dar! YOU RULE!) And on the way out of the store, I ALMOST walked right into Brendan Walsh - who I was in town to surprise at his show that night. But with my cat-like reflexes, I made it out of there.
The rest of the afternoon, I spent with Kelly Benedetti (Brendan's girlfriend and my good friend) as we went shopping and then over to see our friend, Meg Ogea and her new baby, Audrey Jean!

Here I am with Kelly! She was nice enough not only to hang out with me all day - BUT also to go back and see COMPANY again with me! Kelly Benedetti, you are a true friend, m'lady!

Audrey turns 3 months old on Tuesday - so everyone wish her happy 3 months! We had a great time hanging out - and catching up - although Audrey was having NOTHING to do with us. It was fun to see the Ogea's - but we missed you, CLIFF!

L: Here is Meg and Audrey. Audrey is just checking us out - not too sure about the visitors. Middle: Kelly attempts to get some love time from Miss Audrey. Audrey looks like a baby on the brink. R: Audrey over the edge. This was a pretty common face while we were visiting. But I think, in the end, she was still happy to see long as she was with her mom and not one of us. It's ok - babies have rough days, too.

Off to dinner - finally CHINESE FOOD! - with Kelly and her roommate, Melissa Deere, who ALWAYS makes me laugh! (no bad!) It was a delightful dinner - love that General Tso's at Charlie Chiangs.
And finally, after dinner, the reason I had made the trek - it was time to head to The Foundry Theatre in Dupont to see COMPANY!

Please excuse my inability to center something in a picture.

I felt like I wanted and needed to see the show because I know a lot of people in the show - Blake, Sam, Katie, Brendan, Mike, Sarah, Mark, Ashleigh, Andrea about does it...and I love the show. PLUS - Katie McManus and Brendan Walsh have been such HUGE supporters of me while I am out here, so I wanted to be able to support them in this show of theirs! The show, although painfully long, nearly 3 hours, has a lot of energy - some great talent - and some VERY funny parts. One of my favorites was at the end of Act I when Brendan is supposed to blow out candles on a cake, and he could NOT do it. Now THAT, alone, was worth the ticket. I want to make it known HERE AND NOW that Katie's 'Not Getting Married Today' might be one of the highest highlights of the show or of any show/role I have seen her do - and it PROVES what I have been telling Katie all along - she ROCKS, and just keeps getting better! This critic gives her FOUR enthusiastic stars for her song! Good work to EVERYONE in the cast - it was fun to see you and I enjoyed catching up with you all. Have a great time the rest of the run.

Here we are! Me, Brendan and Katie. We met in a Whorehouse, told a few Stories, spent some time by a Pond, and brought Inspiration And Motivation to people around the world. You guys are AWESOME!

This is us hanging out at a party after their show. (Happy Birthday, Mark Lewis!) Sorry I didn't take more pictures! L: Katie gets a half-hug from Sam Nystrom. Sam doesn't normally have red pupils like this. R: Brendan and I chillin'. I like to look serious.

Just chilled with the Block's! We woke up and went to have breakfast at Eastern Market, which is one of my favorite places in the DC area. We ended up eating at Bread & Chocolate and I had a MEAN omelette. After breakfast, Steve went golfing, and Allison and I headed back to their apartment and started our MARATHON DAY of MUSIC SHARING for our iPods! What a trip.
There was a lot of good sharing going on - some movie watching - football watching - pizza eating - resting and relaxing - and all around Saturday FUN!
And then it was time for me to mosey out of town! Thanks to my dear old friend, Rachel Oliphant, for taking me back up to Baltimore! It's always fun to hang with Rachel, and luckily we found an IHOP to catch a quick dinner! (No pictures...again...I am a failure.)
The trip back was awesome and uneventful! Both flights were empty and quick - and the rain/clouds made the landings VERY exciting. And once I got here - to Green Bay, Wisconsin - I was instantly greeted with 'that' accent that is all over this area! And although I love it, most of the time, I sit there thinking that the person speaking is just acting like they have the accent. Very entertaining.
Tomorrow we do a show and the excitement of the day is that the writers of the show are coming to see it. I guess that is both exciting - and a little bit scary. I mean, what if they hate it? That would sucketh....hard core.
That's about it. Once again, THANKS to all my friends who took sometime to hang with me the past few days. To the Blocks, for letting me crash! Kelly B and the Rosmans and Stephanie F and Katie M and Rachel O, thanks for the rides! To those I missed this go round, I am sorry...and hope to catch you next time! I am blessed beyond compare with the people I have in my life - who support me and this crazy thing I call 'Living The Dream!' Thanks to you all.
Stories from Green Bay to hopefully follow!



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh man, I'm so sorry I didn't get a chance to see you while you were here. I've really enjoyed reading your blogs. Well, hopefully the next time....:( I'm sure all of your friends were happy to have you back, even if only for a little while. Good luck with the rest of your run! Kat B

Sun Nov 13, 11:54:00 PM EST  
Blogger MAnderson said...

Hey Kat!
Sorry I didn't have more time to get around and see everyone! Drop me a line at my hotmail sometime, when you get a chance! Hope you're well....

Mon Nov 14, 01:59:00 AM EST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, that was very nice of you, Mr. Anderson. I appreciate it. I'm glad you had fun. No worries. I will be on the Wonka train in no time! I promise. Hope you had a safe trip home. -- Katie

Mon Nov 14, 03:50:00 PM EST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm glad I could entertain when I couldn't blow out the candles. You'll be glad to know that I could only get three of six out on Saturday and thankfully on Sunday I got them all out. Thanks for coming to visit Matt, it was an awesome surprise and it was so great to see you. Hopefully I'll see you soon.

Tue Nov 15, 02:30:00 PM EST  

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