Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Unanimous Secret Balloting: Wisconsin is COLD!

Happy Monday from the great state of Wisconsin! Today was a 2-school-show day...and we had the added excitement of having Tim and Dominic in the audience for our first show. Both shows went off pretty normal. The theater was full for both shows, and we met up with Tim and Dominic after the first show. I think that they enjoyed the show - and I guess it was probably strange for Tim to see the show in this 'different' form than he originally saw with the original cast. But both of them were very complimentary towards the show and we all really appreciate their being in Green Bay and for their support. Tim - if you're reading this - we look forward to any notes you send along to us through the 'appropriate channels.' Hope you both had a great trip to Green Bay...OH! And for those who read yesterday's entry and were still wondering today...Dominic's last name is Gregory.

L: The Weidner Center in Green Bay. Beautiful. R: Dominic (on the Oompa), Me and Tim after our morning show.

After our shows, we caught some lunch at FAZOLI'S, and after all the talk Chris and I have talked about Fazoli's over the past 2 months, it was nice to finally have everyone eat there and see the magic that we have seen. For those who haven't eaten there, all I have to say is that they have BOTTOMLESS BREADSTICKS! A nice little manager just keeps walking around the restaurant with a basket of fresh breadsticks. Heaven...it was heaven....
The drive across the state took about 4 hours, and it was pretty uneventful. Everyone was watching their individual movies or TV series, and Elisa and I sat in the front and listened to music and chatted. The Wisconsin country-side was dark, leafless and very overcast. We noticed how dark it was by 4:30pm...and the closer we got to La Crosse, the more the sprinkles turned to actual raindrops. And the forecast for the next couple of days calls for SNOW! SNOW! SNOW! And I can't wait.

L: Fun on the drive. Elisa passes the time wrapping my scarf around her head, for some reason. Perhaps practicing for her turn as Golde in Fiddler. R: Van fun for EVERYONE - somewhere between Green Bay and La Crosse.

Tonight, I ended up going to dinner with my cousin, Cindy, and her husband, Corey. They live here in La Crosse - and it was fun to get to see Cindy and catch up with them. We went to a Meixcan restaurant in the area called Manny's, and it was DELICIOUS! For those of you who end up here in La Crosse for any reason, seek out Manny's. They have a mean fajita burrito.
But alas, no cheesecake. And - I got some insider-information from Corey in that he told me that the local Wal-Mart would have an endless parade of candidates for the Case Of The Unfortunates files. I might have to check it out.
OH - and the 'BUMMER MOMENT' of the day. Because we are members of an Actor's Union, we can't just make a decision...but instead, we have to go through an act of congress to get a plan passed. For example - today, Chris, Tara and I wanted to take a detour on our way out of town and go do the 55 minute tour of Lambeau Field. $8 - the chance to run out of the tunnel onto the field - to learn the history of the stadium - to experience the Pride of Green Bay. And to make it fair under our RULES, we had to vote on it...and it had to be unanimous. Well, the bummer is that SOMEONE - or a few SOMEONES - voted AGAINST the extra little field trip.
Evidently, they had important things to do here in La Crosse. Regardless, just so my case is known, I think the whole thing is RIDICULOUS. We are on tour, seeing these parts of the country, and we have chances to experience all of these different things. But every so often, for reasons unexplainable, we GOTTA get to the hotel...and I will never quite understand it. But - I've said my peace, and we're in La Crosse, and it's going to be AMAZING!
Day off tomorrow...can't wait to see what it has in store....

So Jen came in to our room last night, holding her sweater and looking a little shaken up. Why, you ask?

Well, because it turns out her new sweater actually ignites VERY quickly! And you can test that out by leaning over an open flame. So, thanks to a quick mind and the STOP-DROP-ROLL method, Jen put the fire out. But Tara shows us that THAT fire hole is only a challenge to her. Somehow...someday, she will figure out a way to CRAFT it shut.

The REALLY cool chandelier in the lobby of the Weidner Center in Green Bay. It looked more cool at night, but I forgot to get pics at night.
So either get over it OR come to Green Bay for a night show and snap some yourself.

So I don't know why, but everytime I looked up today, someone was squatting over Tara. Evidently, Jackie said that it is a new Pilates move...you just have to find someone willing to let you squat over them. How uncomfortable I feel.

Jackie dishin' out the sass on stage during our mic-check.

So this flower arrangement showed up in the Green Room today between our shows. No card that said who it was from - just a little card that had WILLY WONKA written on the inside. Strange. Eric finds out, the hard way, that the ice cream cone in the arrangement isn't real at all. Poor Eric...

L: Torg and Emily get ready to pull out in the Ryder Truck - leaving Green Bay and heading for La Crosse. R: The board that the theater had us sign. Hooray, us.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

So I posted this last night on the other page but i felt I should putit in the proper space and let it be known again that not seeing Lambeau Field was a DISGRACE!!! Anyway enjoy.

Want to give a shout out to my Uncle Joe...this tour of photos with the help of Matt and Tara was for you Joe...sorry we didnt get to get inside the stadium and take a tour...this was a moment where democratic voting did not favor the people who wanted to see some history and take a tour of a place that we may never see again in our lives...yes im bitter and venting thanks to the NO VOTES...love ya guys...have fun Uncle Joe

Chris (Mike TV)

Tue Nov 15, 02:19:00 PM EST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Excellent post Matt, so are you sucked into So You Think You Can Sing yet? I saw it on the TV and was curious. Also, what is the Vote for Torgeson sign behind Emily and Torg on the truck?

Tue Nov 15, 02:32:00 PM EST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey Matt, I saw other works by the artist who did that chandelier when I was in Colorado Springs. It's beautiful work and you're right, it does look better in the dark. Bundle up!

Tue Nov 15, 03:56:00 PM EST  
Blogger Sharon said...

Props to whoever decided to devote precious cargo space in the van to their cheesehead. =)

Tue Nov 15, 08:59:00 PM EST  
Blogger Cristina said...

hi! this is cristina from the Alexander tour...your sister tour :)...I just wanted to say...I LOVE FAZOLI'S!!! I keep speaking it's praises to everyone on the tour, and no one seems to care but me, cause they've never been. They'll see...when we get to the Midwest. How rockin is Fazoli's?

Well...hope y'all are doing great!!!

Fri Nov 18, 07:04:00 PM EST  

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