Today's Entry is dedicated to the Chuck Banker Family...especially Christy, Brian and Sarah. Your family story, and a crazy curiosity, led me to Havre de Grace. I will never be the same.
So the time came to leave Philly. On Friday morning, Elisa, Jen and I packed up the NEW van - which was early-on reported to be an army green...but which I would argue to be either a hunter or forest green. REGARDLESS - we packed up everyone's stuff - took the crew to their trucks - and then hit the road for BEL AIR, MD! And as far as the drives on this tour goes, it was pretty chill. It was only about about an hour and twenty minutes...and we just listened to music, relived the accident, and found things to laugh about. (Like how FIRMLY I had gripped the passenger-side accident bar...with both hands...and shrieked like a little girl during impact.)
L: Elisa and Jen model the NEW VAN! R: Jen, Chris, Emily, Todd and Travis pack in the van for the ride to the trucks.
Once we got to the venue, Jen and I dropped Elisa off for load in, and we PROMPTLY headed back across I-95 to Havre de Grace. Why? Well, for those of you who have driven I-95 from DC to New York or Philly, you will remember that the exit there boasts of a DECOY MUSEUM. For the past 5 years, I have wondered about it and wanted to go there...and here we were in the immediate area with a free afternoon. The real question would be how could I NOT go!? So we did.
L: The sign you can see from the road. R: The actual building itself.
Decoy Museum in Havre de Grace is a full on 2-story museum tracking the origin, history and use of the decoy. And although you would initially think 'DUCK' when it comes to decoys, the museum taught me, in no uncertain terms, that there are decoys for so much MORE than ducks. We were taken on an indepth (self-guided) tour through the history of decoys........from the humble beginnings clear up to the art of decoying TODAY! And they have broken the museum down into 3 areas for it's guests:
What Is A Decoy?, Gunning The Flats (both on the 1st floor...along with a GIFT SHOP!), and
Honoring The Masters (the entire 2nd floor of the museum!) But please don't be fooled into thinking you will JUST be looking at decoys - because that is where the museum will surprise you! In fact, you will find a popular and not-to-be-missed diorama that freezes in time a gathering of prominent carvers during an afternoon in the early 1940s. (Better, even, than 'Small World' at Disneyland. And fewer languages.)
So here is the FIRST exhibit...the first thing you see when you walk in. It REALLY hooked me.
L: Sadly, the 'West Of The Mississippi' Exhibit is in progress and closed.... R: But THAT couldn't stop Jen.
Soooo...this is the exhibit case (2 different angles) of Decorative Bird Carvings on the first floor. Which is WEIRD - because I would bet my LIFE on the fact that at the bottom of it is a FISH - which is neither decorative OR a bird carving. Basically, a museum built on lies.
Jen takes some time to mock the diorama. (The picture may be blurry because I was busy LAUGHING at the diorama.)
Jen tests out things in the 'Gunning The Flats' portion of the museum.
A quick look at the 2nd floor 'Honoring The Masters' exhibit. The bathrooms up here were real nice, too.
Ahhh yes....and luckily there was a COMMENT BOOK for visitors.
So after all these years, I have conquered the beast...and I am a different person because of it. For those who are sitting there wondering, let me answer some general questions for you:
-it's only about a 5 minute drive from the I-95 exit for Havre de Grace.
-yes, it's easy to find. Just follow the signs...they have marked it well.
-sure there is an admission else can they keep bringing you the magic?
-the admission fee is $6! And for me, that's beyond fair. $1 for every minute I spent in there!
-you heard me right: GIFT SHOP! Complete with cups, pens, pencils, bumper stickers, t-shirts,
wine glasses, postcards...and the list goes on and on and on!
-parking was free and readily available.
-and finally, as much as they'd like to...they just can't accept credit cards. Their machine broke a few months ago and they haven't replaced it - so plan on cash or check.
L: Carved Duckhead Art. R: 2 geese decoys watch the diorama going in the background.
L: Some drawn art from the walls of the museum. R: The bottom of the picture on the left. 'The Headcarver'? I'm PRETTY sure that is a horror film character...and that makes me uneasy.
That about does it for the Decoy Museum. It was strangely entertaining and delightfully bizarre. If you're passing through and have the time and 6 extra dollars, take the exit and experience it for yourself!
This tour ROCKS...and it's my JOB!
L: Beside the museum is some construction going on. I didn't ask anyone, but I can ONLY hope that it is an EXTENSION of the current museum. Perhaps a workshop to take decoy-ing classes? R: Looking out over the Susquehanna Flats, from the parking lot of the museum. L: Jen and I at the museum entrance. R: Jen embraces the larger-than-life decoy outside the museum. (And I'm pretty sure NO ONE has been fooled by this decoy.)