Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Tragedy Strikes Wonka Cast

About 2 weeks ago, I posted the following picture on the blog:

This was close to Eric's birthday, and he had received a mermaid VERY similar to the $1 Mermaid I bought for Jill in Massachusetts. They were as close as sisters. And then last night, a small $1 Fairy, complete with wings, joined the group. They truly were happy. And yet, there was a DARK FORCE in the van (no pun intended) that was constantly sneering at the mer-girls.
It seems that the Dark Force felt that they were always in the DF's way. The relationship has been rocky, at best.
And last night, for some reason, the Dark Force and its minions plotted their revenge on these poor, harmless...STUFFED girls and then carried it out. It was a bold maneuver...and it was intended to appear as a MASS SUICIDE. But we were not fooled. The friends of these Mer-girls and this Fairy stand united in knowing that the truth will come out in the end. And all of the Dark Forces 'acts of compassion and grieving' all day will be exposed for what they truly are: acts of deceit and lies.
The pictures tell the painful story.....

And of course, once we saw the devastation, it seemed like everyone around us was out in the hall, mourning the loss of the mer-girls. Hoops and Yoyo took it especially hard...
Pure shock.
So that is the tragedy WE are dealing with. Some of us are better at handling these emotions than others...but in the end, I know we'll pull through. The mer-girls and the fairy would've wanted it that way.
In memorial....
PS - so does anyone have any hot ideas of things you could do or get in Miami for $137.75? Exactly? please let me know. Get those creative juices flowing. Make sure they're clean. Send them on over...Andrew and I waiting to hear from YOU!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wonka Cast, I feel your pain! This same kind of tragedy struck my family when I was growing up. My younger brother had a bear named Junior who had several unsuccessful suicide attempts (my brother thought these were cries for help!) Hanging seems to be common among the "Stuffed" population. Were there any signs that might have been missed? Although Junior had several attempts, he has lived a long unproductive life and even went with my brother and his wife on their honeymoon.........STRANGE!
I am just happy that Hoops and Yoyo were not involved. They did appear to be in shock! I hope with time this pain will become less.
Mom Sizemore

Wed May 10, 07:51:00 AM EDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

$137.75 in Miami?
I suggest a Che Guevara T-shirt, a frozen banana, and a hj. You should have enough left over for some buffalo wings.

Wed May 10, 01:25:00 PM EDT  

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