Friday, August 25, 2006

A Little Housekeeping

Friends and Family -

Just a few points of information for you, as our time to head out on the road gets nearer and nearer. For those of you wishing for a complete hasn't been posted yet. The Kennedy Center will get it up on their website soon, so as soon as it is there, I will get you a link here that will take you there. Why? Because I care.

ALSO - for those of you in the Washington DC area, or that are going to be in the area between December 23rd and January 7th, don't forget that October 11th, tickets go on sale for the Kennedy Center run of the show. Rumor has it that it's going to be a HOT TICKET over the holidays. So, as stated above, because I DO care, I am adding a link right HERE to the show's page on the Kennedy Center's website. By going there TODAY, you can set a REMINDER to buy tickets - so when it gets closer to October 11th, the KC will remind you that tickets are going on sale. This is going to be one of those moments that includes such witty phrases as 'You snooze, you lose', and so on and so forth.

Also, for those of you out there who are DYING to see the show in one of it's first official performances, I want to let you know that you are all invited out to OUR invited dress rehearsal on Friday, September 8th. The show is going to be up at Montgomery College - which I REALIZE is a bit scary to some of you Virginians, but I know the character you all posses, and I know you can handle it - and it's a free event. I don't have all the details, but if you are interested, either shoot me an email OR post a comment and let me know you are interested, and I will get you the info on the show. BUT - the only way you are invited to this dress rehearsal is if you ALSO promise to come to our run at the Terrace Theatre in December/January. You can't do one and not the other. And if you do, I will hunt you down.
Or make you a feature on the "Case Of The Unfortunates" this year. You choose.

Finally - an update on rehearsals: we did the oompa loompa's again today. rachel said something funny about journey. as a band. then we had lunch. we came back and worked on some oompa loompa stuff again. then we went home.

Tomorrow is Friday AND payday...and the world tastes good because of it.
Happy Friday to you all....


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