Thursday, October 20, 2005


A look at Busch Stadium before the game...and at the Stadium Scoreboard, in Center Field.

Well friends, we did the game...and it was a GREAT night! Let me just start out by saying that the St. Louis Cardinal Fans are some of the NICEST sports fans I've ever met. Everyone was SO nice...and happy and out-going. (Or everyone that we met, atleast.) And that is even more surprising considering the Cardinals LOST in game 6 tonight and will not be going to the World Series this year. They just didn't let it get to them! They still all left the stadium after the game and headed out to party - and celebrate the fact that they live in Cardinal Nation! (I, on the other hand, didn't even realize Cardinal Nation existed. I've lived a sheltered life!) There was a group behind us, who we made game-friends with, and they invited us out with them afterwards! (There we go again...back among 'the people'!) They didn't actually ever learn our names, I don't think. Instead, when they wanted us, they just yelled, 'Hey! Willy Wonka!' But I get a head of myself...
The day started with our 2 school performances...and they were both great. The kids today were SUCH spirited kids...very vocal and excited and fun to perform to! After the show, we had a couple hours of rehearsal, just to clean up things that may have gotten sloppy over the past couple of months.
After rehearsal, Chris, Tara and I headed to the MetroLink and headed down to Busch Stadium.
We were IMMEDIATELY engulfed in a sea of red....and the cars on the train kept getting more and more full at each stop. Once we arrive at Busch Stadium...I mean wow...RED. RED. RED.
I immediately found the first shirt vendor I could and got me some CARDINAL RED! As you all know, I ended up buying 2 tickets (Standing Room Only) on eBay the night before the game.
I am going to tell you right now that Chris, Tara and I all got in on those 2 tickets. I am not going to state how...and I am going to clear myself by saying that I went through the gate legally, just like I had planned to. For the complete story, please check with Chris or Tara. REGARDLESS - we got in...we found our places in the stadium...and we had a GREAT time. The game was a bust for St. Louis...they lost 5-1 and the Astros won the series and are heading to the World Series. But as I liked to say last night, for the 3 of us, it was a WIN-WIN situation.
If the Cardinals had won, great...they would've gone to game 7, which we probably would've missed, and they may have gone to the World Series. OR We could always say that, if they lost, we were at the LAST game at Busch Stadium - because next week, it's getting imploded to make way for the new stadium! (HALF of the new stadium is already built - and stands right next to the current stadium. The 2nd half will be finished between now and the start of next season. It looks GREAT! To check it out, click on the following link: ) So either way, we were assured a personal WIN.
During the game, we made friends with...well...pretty much everyone around us. (Some guy was feeding Tara peanuts...and Tara tried to get into a conversation about the elephants at the zoo with him. One of the girls behind us knocked my hat off during the 7th Inning Stretch...they were singing God Bless America...and everyone was saluting the flag. I was like PEOPLE! It's NOT the Anthem! But evidently, she wanted my hat off. And Chris was chatting everyone around us...when he wasn't eating the 18 1/2 hot dogs he ate. Trust me, they were THAT good.)
After the game, our friends behind us invited us to a sports bar a block down from the stadium - called PaddyO's - and when we got there, it felt like the entire stadium was there with us...dancing and drinking and partying and celebrating! You read it right, CELEBRATING! And they just lost. But here is what I gathered from it all...and it stands for one of those life-lessons I keep sharing. The Cardinals were there celebrating because win or lose, they are PROUD to be a part of Cardinal Nation. They support their team and are looking forward to a new year in a new stadium. And they are always ready to welcome new faces into that zany Nation they have going. I just went to see the game, but left being reminded that in life, like in sports, it comes down to loyalty and confidence just being positive and nice. The greatest thing about it all is that it's nothing's just something we have to remember to do. And by doing that, you're sure to build a fan base that will stand by you through anything! Thanks for the lesson, St. Louis...and GO CARDS! And a HUGE thanks to Chris and Tara for being willing to take part in this adventure! I am happy to be members of TARA-NATION and CHRIS-NATION! You guys rule!
Play Ball...

Tara and I show off our tickets before we left for the game. (This was PRE-Red-Shirt...I was so embarassed....)

Just us at the game. Different angles. Same red shirt.

Tara and Chris show off their hot dogs. My mouth is watering as I type thing, thinking about them....mmmmmm.......

Field Shots! Top L: The game underway. Top R: The Astros celebrate on the field after winning the game. Bottom L: Pujols up to bat. The magic he created in Houston was NOT re-created here in St. Louis. Bottom R: The riot police take to the field at the end of the game to keep people from rushing the field.

Our view of the moon, arch and flag. God BLESS the U.S.A.

L: Looking at the NEW stadium...while standing at the old stadium. R: The 2 stadiums (old on the left - new on the right.)

Chris and Tara show off Chris' big purchase: The Fan Can Hand. Chris claims it is his favorite purchase of the entire tour. We met the guy who made them up. Check them out at:


At the crazy party at Paddy O's, the emcee asked everyone to face to the North and send the Chicago Cubs the 'salute'. Evidently, there is NO love between the Cardinals and the Cubs. But this was about as hostile as anyone got during the night. Oh - except when we saw that guy vomiting off the platform onto the tracks of the MetroLink. But I guess even he wasn't hostile. Just vomitting.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi there Matt!! My name is Roe and I am a friend of Eric, Chris and Andrew. I don't know if we have ever even met but because of your Blog I feel like I know you and YOU ARE THE FUNNIEST man I have ever met. I really Love reading your Blog (don't be upset, the boys gave me the link) and well I actually laugh out loud, i mean OUT LOUD!! My favorite so far is the Dirty Bird. you know you said out load exactly what I was thinking. THANK YOU and keep up the excelent work!!

Fri Oct 21, 02:32:00 AM EDT  
Blogger MAnderson said...

Hey Roe!
A friend of those three crazy guys is a friend of mine! I've heard your name alot and heard a lot about it's LIKE we've met.
Sorry you missed the Durty Bird. It was magic.
Keep reading and commenting - we all love it!
Best -

Fri Oct 21, 06:45:00 PM EDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


I honor of your little brother, I am hoping you sent a "salute" to those Cardinal fans from the Chicago Cubbies. If not, we've got a lot to talk about, you and I. Later. Cards suck. Ha!


Wed Oct 26, 03:03:00 AM EDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Roe please don't encourage my marginally funny brother

Wed Oct 26, 03:05:00 AM EDT  

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