Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Heading South

So it's true...we are OFFICIALLY on our way SOUTH. After we finished up in New Brunswick, New Jersey, we packed the show up and everyone headed to Charlottesville, VA. Well, not everyone. Eric, Andrew and I headed into New York City for some auditions this morning. As always, it was a quick trip in and out. The audition today was for Maine State Theatre in Brunswick, ME - and I'm being honest when I saw it wasn't really my best effort. I don't know if it was the waking up at 5:45am to get an early slot (so we could catch the train to Charlottesville) or just the annoying 'theatre people' in the waiting area...but I felt like I gave them my B game. Or perhaps even my C game. But I'm fine with that. Chalk it up to experience and move on.
Just so you don't think the entire trip was a 'waste', I wanted to pinpoint some HIGHLIGHTS of the trip:

1. Eric went to the Equity Building today and brought TARA GIORDANO back to the hotel with him! It was good to see her and catch up with her! And you can see shots from our PHOTO SHOOT BELOW.
2. Dinner at Ray's Pizza.
3. Lots of leg room on the train home.
4. Lots of TIME on the train home to watch ALL of Cinema Paradiso AND the remaineder of the 2nd season of Arrested Development.

Here is where you find the magic of Ray's.

See? So there were some positives in it all. Today marked the '2 Months From Today We Finish Up' point of our tour...and so the thought of 'What Am I Doing When I'm Done?' is more prevalent than ever before. I guess I'll cross that bridge when i get to it. I mean, I won't argue if one of these places I've been to for auditions calls me and DEMANDS my talents for the summer....but I'm going to prepare myself for the chance of that not happening. And then I'll probably just go back to dancing on the bar for tips over the summer....I gotta make a living.
Tomorrow we have 2 shows here in Charlottesville...and I think everyone has people coming to the show in the evening. We have a LOT of changes we have to make, since the space is so much smaller than we are used to working on...but we'll see how it works out. If nothing else, we'll atleast have always! PLUS - with this group, there is always a chance for gas on stage. You just can't go wrong with us!
So that's it - time to go watch Emeril make sourdough bread.


So before we hopped the train in New Brunswick, Eric, Andrew and I stopped at a place in N.B. called 'Old Man Rafferty's' for lunch. And they had an AMAZING dessert spread - so we all got a dessert. Eric ended up with an Oreo Mousse Pie - Andrew got a fruit tarte - and I got THE VESUVIUS! The what? READ ON!

Here it IS! The VESUVIUS! It's menu description: Chocolate Brownie Cake LayeredWith Caramel, Then Topped With Cheesecake. Dipped In Chocolate Ganache, Topped With Mousse & Nuts. WHAT? Well, it WAS delicious - but we all felt like it was a bit much. On the MASE, this dessert receives a solid 7. A nice idea to have it all together - just rough to get through when it finally all was! Oh well....

For Jackie Lamptey. The end.

Hoops and Yoyo pose with NYC behind them. That is Bryant Park there in the back. WITHOUT the Fashion Week Tents.

LOOK!!! It's our hotel NYC! HOOOOOORAY!


Some standards and some B&W Art Shots. And of course, a Hoops and Yoyo. They were happy to see Miss Tara!

Scenes from a train ride home. Or 'home' - Holiday Inn in Charlottesville.

A familiar scene out my train Alexandria, VA!


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