It's Tuesday night, our day is winding down, and I am sitting here trying to figure out HOW to describe our first show in Orlando this morning. It really was an experience like no other - and we get to do it again tomorrow. WHY, you ask? Come along as I tell you.
Our shows today were set up by Ken and Deanna Kirchman, a couple from Winter Park, FL who are on the board of
Florida House. Florida House is located in Washington DC and is the equivalent of an embassy for the state of Florida. Part of their work is the bring the arts to the students of Florida. Through the generosity of the Kirchman's, our show was booked at the TD Waterhouse Center here in Orlando. The Center is where the Orlando Magic play - and seats about 3 BILLION people. (Not really...more like 20,000+) And for the purpose of our show, the created a THEATRE-type setting with a seating capacity of 7,000 students! You read that right - 7,000 3rd graders from the greater Orlando area saw the show today - and the same number will see the show tomorrow, as well. Everything was set up to the specifics of our show, and besides a few little troubles here and there (mic trouble for me and a few troubles rolling around on the Ompa's) the show went off WONDERFULLY! I wish I could write a description of what it feels like to perform for 7,000 students - and even more, to explain what their excitement and cheers sound and feel like! Overwhelmingly amazing might have to do, for now.
Here is a view from the stage, looking out into the audience.
So these aren't the best shots - but I wanted to show you how they just kind of hung drapes to make our BACKSTAGE area.
One more view of the house. This shot is more on an angle. Fun, I know.
This is to show you the parking lot after the show. There were SO many buses...this picture doesn't do it justice, but it's as close to justice as I could get.
Here is the venue...with it's local 'flavor'.
The other SUPER cool part of our day was that the First Lady of Florida,
Colomba Bush, was in attendance for our show - and hosted a luncheon for our cast after the performance! It was an amazing opportunity for us all - and it forced us all to get cleaned up in our Sunday best. Mrs. Bush was such a nice woman - and very complimentary of the show and the positive effect that it will have in the lives of the students! The added bonus to the luncheon was the delicious LUNCH that they served us...MAN! I'm not going to describe it - but just was a delight.
Jackie and Jen get a picture with the 2 students who introduced Mrs. Bush at the show.
L: The cast, sans Eric, at the luncheon showing off the table favors. R: Pretty much the same picture EXCEPT - I'm not in it, AND...something about Chris, Jackie and Jen's expression KILLS me.
Travis and Elisa enjoy the treats, as well.
Here is the cast with Mrs. Bush and her daughter, Noel. (I can't figure out the ANGLE on this took it. Strange.)
Our day ended with a dinner, hosted by the Kirchman's at a great restaurant up in Winter Park. The restaurant is called
Luma on Park and it was NOT too shabby. The restaurant has a private dining room/wine cellar in the basement - and the Kirchman's kindly booked the space for our cast, a few people from Florida House and the Kirchman's and their assistants. We were treated like royalty! Again, the food was out of this world - the drinkers were treated to the wines and ports and liquors of the restaurant - and every time I asked, the nice waiter man brought me a diet coke with a great wedge of lime. It was great to get to chat with our hosts on a more intimate level - and enjoyed laughing with Paige, Kristen and Sarah!
L: Chris, Andrew and Jill enjoy a picture with Kristen. R: Travis, Elisa and Paige get cozy.
All the girls strike a pose.
A couple of shots of the Cellar room we were in all evening.
This was another one of those days that made me stop and realize how UNIQUE this opportunity is for us. It also makes me realize the scope of what we are bringing to the kids that we perform for. It's so much more than just another play. During our stay in Orlando, roughly 14,000 students will see Willy Wonka - and although you can't measure it, there is no telling WHAT it will inspire even ONE of them to dream, believe, do or become. And wether it's 14,000 kids here or 250 kids in Talequah, Oklahoma...anyway you look at it, it's pretty exciting to think that it's our job...packed with pure imagination...
Enjoy your Wednesday...