Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Random Rehearsal Pics and BEYOND...

So let's be honest....who comes here to read this crap? HONESTLY....I think deep down, we all come for the pictures. I know I do. And every so often, you might stop and see if I've written any entertaining stories to amuse and delight....but like most everyone, we come for the pictures! So today, besides telling you that both run throughs today were fine and the costumed run through reminded me how HOT HOT HOT HOT HOT HOT HOT HOT my costumes are, we are just going to look at a random splattering of pictures over the past few days. AND - since you're always such a good audience...I will reward you with our first official CASE OF THE UNFORTUNATES 06-07 entry at the bottom of this entry.
So go ahead....look at the pics and enjoy.....

This past weekend, Elisa tried to rally the troops from Wonka 05-06 together before we all headed out on the road. We ended up with: Elisa, Chris, Eric and myself - who all see each other every day at rehearsal, and our special guest, miss Jackie Lamptey! Fresh in from Fairfax, Virginia! It was great to see Jackson and catch up. And as always, TONS of laughs were had. We miss you terribly, Jackson!

Roe gets caught flashing some skin during rehearsal.

LOOK who came for a visit to rehearsal...to get a chance to meet the NEW cast that they will be traveling with AND to watch a run through. Hoops thought the show was just as fresh and exciting as last year. Yoyo kept telling me that I've 'slowed down' and need to pick up the energy. But BOTH of them took and instant liking to Felicia. Best friends forever....TO THE MAXXXXXX!

Rachel, Eric, Hoops and Yoyo pose for a group photo after the run-through.

You wouldn't believe it if you didn't see it here, folks! Today, we met Mike, our Sound Director for tour. Mike, as you can see, is extremely tall. How tall, you ask? 7 feet tall. Yes. That is correct. NOT an exaggeration. And Felicia is....um...NOT 7 feet tall. So that's fun.

Today we had our TOUR MEETING...where we go over policiies, procedures, schedules, etc. And since they are part of the show, a member of the puppet-group has to be at the table for the tour meeting. The Oompa-Loompa at the end of the table had a lot of good input at the meeting.

Roe, on the other hand, had a lot of bad...output at the meeting.

And me? Well, there's no telling what I was doing at the meeting. But atleast I looked THIS good.....

AND NOW...our Case Of The Unfortunates (C.O.T.U.)

First off, a HUGE thanks to Rachel for taking one for the team on this one so we could get the shot. I know...some of you are going to say that I'm being mean or that she's homeless or whatever...but my COTU's are based in knee-jerk-reactions. And I knew when I saw this outfit that, homeless or not, the who ensemble was too unfortunate NOT to show here. PLUS - this lady flashed me a PEACE sign when I was off the bus and it drove by me. So she appreciates my honesty, I think. Stay tuned for MORE COTU's over the coming weeks and months!


Anonymous Anonymous said...


hey matty! if you guys don't mind - i'm going to try to pop into rehearsal this Friday while I'm rehearsing for Page-to-Stage at the KC. hope to catch you all in action - NOT making fun of the homeless. xxx

Wed Aug 30, 02:09:00 AM EDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a great blog entry, the only thing missing was a cheesecake picture from the Cheesecake Factory! It was good to see Hoops and YoYo again, they are closer to Felicia's size than the new sound director! What can I say, the COTU should be included with a "Best of COTU" if that is ever published! Looking forward to more great blogs, but don't exclude the narratives, they are the best. Take care!
Mom Sizemore

Wed Aug 30, 07:37:00 AM EDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Its true Matt, we do love the pictures, but who doesn't prefer stories with pictures? Although your prose is always eloquent and heartfelt. Its great to read so don't sell yourself short. By the way, nice haircut, looking good Anderson!

Wed Aug 30, 08:56:00 AM EDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Homeless or not...fashion is a must (Kidding!! Kidding!!) Thank you for bringing back the COTU's...I missed them...except for that freaky man in the WAY-booty shorts and the thong that you IMed me on tour...that was cruel and unusual...and I think he is on the blog...I need to go find him...it's like a traffic accident...you don't want to look but you can't look away!

Wed Aug 30, 11:04:00 PM EDT  

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