Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Climb Every Mountain

So it was back in the van today for a day of driving that was anything BUT ordinary! We decided to take a detour from our 'regularly scheduled program' of driving to see some of South Dakota's gems. We started out early - and headed to the Badlands. Unfortunately, the Badlands turned out to be a bust...because we didn't want to pay the $7/person they were asking us to pay. $56 for our car to drive through colored rocks? We're creative types...we'll just imagine it for free. After the Badlands fiasco, everything else fell into place beautifully.
We drove down to Custer State Park - and then took the scenic route of Iron Mountain Road for 18 miles North, through the Black Hills, to end up at Mount Rushmore. We were a little set back in spirits, in that we didn't see any buffalo OR wild donkeys (as Theresa at the Days Inn in Wall promised we would...), but we didn't let that stop us. We rolled down the windows....I turned on the Mormon Tabernacle Choirs rendition of "CLIMB EVERY MOUNTAIN", and we drove up into the Black Hills to see Mount Rushmore. (Yes....it sounds cheesey...and it was. And it was PERFECT! PLUS we followed it up with more patriotic hits from the MoTabs, AND our own warbling of The Star Spangled Banner. Classic.)
What to say about a trip to Mount Rushmore that can possibly explain it? Impossible to do. There is something beyond description about a visit to Mount Rushmore...the closest words I can muster are incredible, awe-inspiring and humbling. The sun was out, the wind was cold and biting, and the tourists were there in force. And when you stand there and SEE how massive the sculptures are and think about how impossible the task would be today, let alone in the early 1900's...you are deeply amazed and quickly reminded of all that talk about the American Spirit you've heard your entire life. And you realize that, even in a small way, you are a part of it. You get all that, plus a brisk walk around the park, for the mere price of $8/car for parking. So take THAT, Badlands.
So the rest of our day was spent driving through Wyoming and Montana...while DJ Matt spun the hits on the iPod. We ended up tonight in Billings, Montana...the site of our next 2 shows. We'll see what adventures lie instore for us here!

A sign. And some mountains.
L: Tara and Jeffrey read some info on the Black Hills. R: Eric and Roe celebrate after spotting Mount Rushmore in the distance.
Part of the crew took off running towards it...but Elisa and I reminded them that we could drive and it would probably take a lot less time.
L: One of the 3 carved-tunnels we drove through to get to the Mount. R: The view through the first tunnel.
Some more shots along the drive. (Including tunnel #2)
L: The approach to Tunnel #3. R: The view from inside the same Tunnel.
Some scenes from the walk up to the Park. Don't worry...I found the Idaho flag.
The Cast of Wonka at Mount Rushmore.
The men...and women of WONKA!
"Hey Eric! Will you take a picture for us?" (FLASH!) "UM...Eric. Did you get the Mountain in there, too?"

Good job.
A look out over the Black Hills from the Presidential Walk at Mt. Rushmore.
Scenes, IN COLOR, from our day at Mount Rushmore.
Selections from the Matthew Andesron B&W Collection.
Scenes from the drive.
Elisa celebrates how much she loved our day through the magic of artistic pretzel expression.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

beautiful pix. are you sure you didn't scan a few postcards? ;-)

Tue Sep 19, 07:52:00 AM EDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That was an excellent entry Matt. I've never been to Mt. Rushmore and it looks amazing. So, do you get antsy with each passing state as you get closer to Idaho? I can only imagine what your blog entry will be when you get the great state of Idaho. Thanks for the great photos.

Tue Sep 19, 09:28:00 AM EDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Beautiful pictures Matt! I've always wanted to go to Mt. Rushmore and now I know why! I hope you're having a great time!
Kat B

Tue Sep 19, 03:54:00 PM EDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So these are stunning photos, but big deal if you didn't make it to South Dakota's truest, most unappreciated gem..the Corn Palace. An entire structure built from corn husk..talk about impossible!


Mon Sep 25, 06:49:00 PM EDT  

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