Thursday, September 07, 2006

Tech Week Begins...

So today started the last leg of the rehearsal process for us all. It was the beginning of TECH WEEK...which, for those of you who are like "WTF is tech week?" (basically, for those of you who haven't done a show with Corky before....), is where ALL the elements of the show come together: lights, sound, costume, sets...the whole ball of wax. Yesterday was our last day at the Kennedy Center. The show moved out to Montgomery College Parilla Performing Arts Center today...which is where we will be until we load up and hit the road on Saturday. (REMINDER: FREE Dress Rehearsal Friday Night...7pm. Parilla Performing Arts Center. Google it for tickets required. Chance of a lifetime.)

So today, we did a tech-through of the show. It's a big stumble-through, so all the people running all the elements know what everyone else is doing. It's a VERY important part of the process because there is a lot going on and you need to know. I think it went well and we got done what we needed to. The only PROBLEM is that since I've done the show, for well over 200 times, I'm PRETTY aware of what is going on, technically and otherwise, around me. SO, as much as I tried to be there and part of the process...I can honestly report back to you that I pretty much checked OUT upon arrival. I remember arriving at the Center, I remember leaving the Center...and I don't remember getting in trouble for not doing what I was supposed to do in I think I was doing something right. But you get to this point, and it's all in the muscle-memory. So you just go on auto-pilot and get through what you need to get through. I'll admit it. And I'm not proud of it and I'm not bragging about it and I'm not even saying it's something that is ok to do...I'm just telling you that this is how it is. It is part of the harsh reality's theatre.

SO stop standing there...judging me.....


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm not standing...I'm sitting. ;-)

Thu Sep 07, 07:45:00 AM EDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

...and I'm not judging. I'm laughing.

I'm also beginning to believe that you've been miscast and should not be wasting your time in this trivial show. You should step up a rendition of a major literary work...something like...say...Go Dogs Go!

Thu Sep 07, 07:49:00 AM EDT  

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