Friday, October 13, 2006

An EGG-cellent Distraction

Well, every so often, something comes up NON-tour-related that just has to be shared. And how perfect that THIS entry is coming up on a Friday. There's really no way to explain it - and I can't take any credit for finding it (a shout out to NYCBros for the heads up) - but it just has to be SEEN to understand the need to share it. If nothing else, I can promise you this: a level of delight and happiness to help get you through your Friday.
The website is: I LOVE EGG. When you are there, in the upper left hand corner, under the bar that says on the little cloud that says EGG SONG. Turn on your sound, sit back and let the smiling and/or laughing begin. And then, to complete the experience and learn more about The HERE. Leave it to the Koreans to come up with this one!

Here we are watching I LOVE EGG in my room.

Here are more pictures of everyone watching I LOVE EGG on my computer.

Eric starts showing us his own I LOVE EGG moves.

Roe gets into the I LOVE EGG excitement and performs a full-out dance for everyone!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

sorry for the confusion i am no longer mike tv...not trying to steal your thunder jeff...i gues i should change that...hahahaha.

Chris (not mike tv)

Fri Oct 13, 05:04:00 PM EDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh...WOW!! That was A-MAH-ZING!!!! And I haven't even watched Roe dance yet...I can't wait!

Sun Oct 15, 05:32:00 PM EDT  

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